
Frequently Asked Questions

The first tip is incorporate some hill training into your weekly regimen if you have not already done so.  Specific to the race this is interesting and a course I thoroughly enjoyed for years as one of my go to brick workouts back in the 90’s which spawned the McDowell Mountain duathlon and off road running series back in the day.  We also used it for our cross-country home course at Fountain Hills high school when all the building took our course in town.  So I have a ton of experience on all these courses and could not count how many times I have ridden in the park over the years residing in Fountain Hills.  So besides the obvious I offer this tip being out in the desert at 6:30 a.m. it is going to be cool, maybe even downright cold.  As the sun clears the mountains you will feel the warmth immediately.  So I am telling you to be prepared for a potential 40 degree temperature swing over the course of the morning into the early afternoon.  Folks, that is significant and can mean the difference between a good race and a fast race to a race holding on to the finish.  Being prepared for that type of swing and potential wind is really what can make or break your race in McDowell Mountain Park.  See ya soon.

Event management reserves the right to postpone, change format, modify courses, or cancel the event at any time. The safety of athletes, staff, support crew, and officials is our top priority and will never be compromised.

Event management is not responsible for late arrivals, athletes not finding a venue, misdirected, or delayed for any reason. Late arrivals will NOT be issued a chip and strap and you will not be allowed in the transition area once it is closed. Again, there will be NO refunds for any reason.

Inclement Weather:

Event management reserves the right to cancel an event due to inclement weather or the POTENTIAL of inclement weather.  Every attempt will be made to host an event whether in it’s advertised form or altered form.  Meaning a run/bike course or distance could be modified.  Under any circumstance a refund or transfer will not be issued.  Athletes safety will not be compromised.

If an event has mandatory bike check-in, you must check in your bike during the allotted check in times typically the day before.  Failure to do so will mean you are not going to race and again no refunds will be given.

These rules are in place for a reason and deviation of them is not fair to the hundreds of athletes that follow the rules.

First time event, Athlete Experience:
Athletes participating in his/her first “long course” event will result in an interview with the onsite race director.  His/her experience will be considered in a personal interview with the race director on site if a question of ability to safely finish is at stake.  Failure to comply with the race director’s decision will result in a disqualification if there is an un-willingness on an athlete’s part to change events.  Safety will NOT be compromised under any circumstances.

Age participation rules:
Kids 17 and under may NOT compete in half ironman distance events.

Kids must be 10 yrs. of age to compete in adult sprint events.

The race director will have final say for anyone racing at any event.

A lost chip will be billed directly to the athlete for a $40 fee and may result in no times for event.  It is in no way event management’s responsibility to post a time for an athlete who has lost his/her chip during an event.  It is his/her responsibility to ensure that chip is on at all times.

An un-paid bounced check will mean you will be put on the “banned” list.  Not a great list to be on if you plan on racing in the future.  If you made a mistake with your banking, we understand, but just be sure we are paid after corrections are made.

A t-shirt is only guaranteed if the athlete registered by the 14 day cut-off for pre-registration.

3D has a “lost and found” bin. If you have lost something during a race, please contact us at:

All race fees are non-refundable.  No refunds are allowed.

Transfer to Another Race
Transfers to another 3 Disciplines owned event are allowed.  All transfers must be completed two weeks prior to the event in which you are registered or the event you would like to transfer to whichever is sooner.  The transfer fee is $15.00 plus any potential difference in race fee.

Events that do not fall under our transfer policy include:  I Tri for Mac.

Transfers may be made within the current race season only.

Transfer to Another Distance
You may switch between the Olympic and Sprint distances at any event.  Please contact us at to change your distance or you may do so at registration at the event.  No fee to change distance.